● Fire introduction of high-strength fire-resistant glass cesium potassium monolithic technology, is one kind of fire protection features can be used for external walls, doors windows and interior partition of the new fire- resistant glass, which is by physical and chemical methods for processing of floating glass and get the requirements for the application of the fire-resistant glass.
● The fire performance
Monolithic high-strength fire-resistant glass cesium potassium has excellent fire performance, and thus effectively prevent the spread of flame and smoke, to ensure that the affected population long enough time to evacuate the scene.
● Machinability
A single high-intensity fire glass of cesium can be used as single use only, and through a variety of combinations and processing methods.
●Resistant time.
30min.60min. 90min, 120min.
● Standard.
◆ GB15673.1—2001.
◆ BS476.